ben's notes

Pardon the mess, I'm still wrangling this theme into my preferred form.

# Have some shame, NaNoWriMo.

NaNoWriMo decided to come out swinging against critics of AI in creative processes. They seem to have forgotten that the community is full of people used to making arguments.

# Sine die update: jockstraps and all

Washington’s 2023-24 Biennial session ended, and we saw some significant movement on important queer topics.

# The web I want is rough around the edges

A bulletin board post about the uptime of an SDF Mastodon instance made me think about what reliability means; what uptime means; and when it’s a good idea to just take a break, log off, and go outside.

# An open letter to the WSLCB

I wrote a letter to the WSLCB rules coordinator about why the commission should repeal their lewd conduct rule! I decided I also wanted to share it here, with a call to action as well.

# Sexuality and Community

Tags: queer
After a week of chaos brought about by the WSLCB & SPD raiding gay bars, we need to talk about what constitutes valid or invalid enforcement, and how expectations differ between cultures.

# Solstice update

As is tradition, at the winter holidays I set aside time for me, and my personal projects. Like this website, which fell over when the SDF updated something and my old web content just disappeared into the ether.

# startup … initializing

Maybe “ignition” would be a good title, too. I put this site up with a broken, half-baked theme and a few pages of recipes, all because I wanted to have some place to stash them and hand links to my friends. So here it was, in its grimy state. Well, I’ve had some time to put some pieces in order, and now I think the site’s really coming into its own.
